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I'm a retired Army Veteran that served during the time when lesbians and gays were barred from serving their country openly. I'm a graduate of the Hawaii Pacific University in Honolulu, Hawaii with a degree in Human Resources. I recently retired after twenty-two years of government service with my final nine years working for the Army Reserve with managing their Substance Abuse Program. In 2017 the woman I told many years ago that one day I will marry her found me, and I can truly say that true love does exist. We finally were able to get married and she now sharing my heart. 


On September 20, 2011, President Barack Obama ended the ban, barring gays and lesbians from serving openly. I never dreamed that I would work for the first Openly Gay Commanding General of the Army Reserves. Because of the struggles that I and my friends had endured just to serve, I've decided to pursue my life-long dream and become an author. I now tell my story that so many people need to read, about life as a lesbian in the military in the eighties.


My first book "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Not!" is about the struggles lesbians endure while serving in the military. My next book "Second Chance to Love" is my journey to find true love. The third novel "Appetite for Love" leads you down the path of knowing unconditional love and completes my 20-year career of servicing my country.

Since retiring from civil service, I began writing daily with the hope to release my latest book, Full Circle. The first few chapters update you on the whereabouts of the five main characters (Penelope, Karen, Brielle, Latoya and Zachery). The rest of the book leads you down twisted paths that collide worlds. Chaos is everywhere with the possibility of lives being destroyed. Of course, there is lots of passionate sex and lust without romance. Full Circle will keep you asking what can happen next? 

Penny A. Carter

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